Tuesday 12 February 2008

Muddy Mudpie

Have promised niece and nephew to bring them for Coffee Club's mudpie and chocolate fruit fondue for a long time because was waiting for nephew's cough to recover, and before niece's exams arrive. So finally during the long CNY weekend, brought them there. They simply love it, as I expected.... together with chicken wings, strawberry milkshake. I was craving for mudpie for a while but a friend who was initially supposed to go with me since Xmas, played me out. Sometimes I really wonder.... when you need a friend (for various reasons).. when you are down or just purely for the company, it's always a no-show. While I do make it a point to accompany friends anywhere they wanna go or eat, but it's kinda sad that when I have a certain craving or just wanted company from specific friends, no one could spare the time. This is how pathetic life is sometimes.

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