Friday 15 August 2008

The stuff we do during full moon

I love Fridays. And today is the lunar 15th of the month, meaning there is full moon.

- I made an important appointment with a client, but that means I need to work tomorrow (Saturday).

- During lunch I went temple to pray and offer flowers.

- Office was unusually quiet as all were not around, meaning peace for me.

- This evening Wendy did the traditional face threading on me and it was painful, but my face felt smoother. She had a fun time laughing at me for causing me pain ><
- For dinner I bought braised duck wings for my family, and they tasted marvellous. We ate lots of other stuff.
- I finally got my water feature tonight, bought from someone at a very cheap price. I always love the sound of water in the silent of the night and the design suits the theme of my house. Thanks to sis and bro-in-law who helped me lugged the huge thingy back.
- I also got a 3-legged frog, a huge dark wooden Zen-looking one. It was placed next to my water feature in the wealth area of my house. It was supposed to bring more good luck.
All in all, I am glad 15 Aug is finally going to be over. Since Sept last year till today, it was a up-and-down period, loads of bad luck, as well as misunderstandings with friends, and financially burnt out time. Hope after today, everything will start to pick up.

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