Saturday 16 August 2008

Water water water

My new water feature, and I got it for a steal. I like its rustic mix of colours - brownish, greenish, greyish. It is placed in my wealth area which is near my main door. It's a nice spot to put the water feature because that is where my pebbled floor area is. The water cascades down about 1.2metre to the tank below, and the length and width is about 2-feet by 1-feet, and one can hear the sound of gentle water fall when we open the main door. Also, the three-legged frog is made of very very heavy dark solid wood, very nicely crafted and it matches with the water feature. Its scaly body was draped with chinese coins and ingots. I like the Zen looking colour. Frankly I do not like those versions which are gold and brightly adorned, simply too garish for my taste. The froggy is staring at the main door. I need to get a plant or two to put next to the water feature so that it does not look too bare.

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