Friday 17 October 2008

"Seed of Special Affinity" Program

Somebody asked me for His Eminence Lati Rinpoche's program in Suntec. I only had the hardcopy, so I specially typed it out here. Hope the program will benefit whoever attends this special program.

Venue : Hall 402 Level 4 Suntec International Convention Centre
Guest of Honour: Mrs Goh Chok Tong

This Grand Puja is conducted by one of the greatest living lineage masters of Tibetan Buddhism - His Eminence Kyabje Kensur Lati Rinpoche (87 years old), as well as 28 Lamas from Gaden Shartse Monastery. Rinpoche is a foremost Buddhist scholar of excellent repute, a fully accomplished Master and is deeply respected by devotees all over the world.

As Rinpoche is already 87 years old, such overseas Dharma programs are unlikely in future, hence we strongly encourage all to cherish this precious Dharma affinity, and without a doubt, it is certainly a big blessing for us to attend the pujas, initiations and teachings conferred specially by Rinpoche.

25 Oct Sat
11am - 1.30pm Grand Opening Ceremony & 400 Grand Offerings & Cleansing Puja
- Auspicious snow lion dance, individual blessing by Lati Rinpoche (a specially blessed amulet will be given)

3pm - 5pm Eliminating Disease & Subduing Demonic Forces Grand Puja
- Specially to overcome and prevent obstacles to health and aid recovery of illnesses.

7.30pm - 9.30pm Vajrasattva Grand Blessing Initiation

26 Oct Sun
10.30am - 12.30pm Ritual Offerings to Queen of Hungry Ghosts
- A worn shirt and some coins required.

3pm - 5pm Namtose Wealth Vase & Merit Increase Grand Puja Yangdrup
- Please bring along your wealth vases, Tri-Blessings home amulet, Fortune Wands for recharge of wealth blessings.

7.30pm - 9.30pm Nine-Deity Great Yellow Vaisravana Grand Blessing Initiation

27 Oct Mon (Public Holiday)
10.30pm - 12.30pm Business Boost and Career Blessing Grand Puja (please bring your namecard)

3pm - 5pm Grand Thousand Offerings of 6 Elements to Buddha Maitreya

7.30pm - 9.30pm Buddha Maitreya Grand Blessing Initiation


  1. This is really fascinating. It's neat to see what programs traveling Lamas offer in other countries. There are a few things in this program that wouldn't usually be offered here in the States because the 'audience' might not be interested. Very curious. : )

    I'm sure it was an awesome experience.

  2. Hi, I wanted to buy a wealth vase but don't know where to get it. Wonder you can advise and when is the good time to buy it.


  3. Hi, I think Dropheling may have some wealth vases left, you can call 63449521 to check. Or attend the program on 26 Oct, as its the Wealth vase merit increase puja. You can purchase the vase and have it blessed at the same time.
