Sunday, 26 December 2004

Dry start

Christmas leaves one high and dry. Not from drinking and partying. It's the anti-climax of an event in the whole year. It's when you realise, so this is it. End of the year. Christmas. New Year. New start? The new start of another anti-climaxing year next.

It's a dry start, really.

Exactly what gift/s was I expecting anyway. They say, the joy of Christmas is giving. Yes, giving. Instead of receiving. So I gladly give. The ritual of shopping for someone dear, it's worth all the disappointments the occasion brings.

Yes, giving is better. I was told...when you give, all the immense good luck will come to you. Like when I give someone a treat, all the luck will goes back to me. So why is everybody dying to be treated? to be given a present? and have all their luck driven away. Tsk tsk.

So, please give.

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