Sunday, 9 January 2005

The Right Brainer

For the last few days, I experienced pain on my backside whenever I sat down or when I was getting up. Yesterday it became worse. Suspected slipdisc. I saw my doctor. It was at the end of my spinal cord where the pain came from. But it was not a slipdisc. Phew. It was probably due to a heavy bump on my backside, or if I had a fall or as result of sitting on a new chair or the number of hours I was sitting down or my sitting-down posture etc.. I suspected it was probably due to the new armchair in my office, plus the long hours of sitting in front of the computer in office and at home.

I was given some medicine to pacify the pain. I was advised if the condition worsened, then I might have to go for an X-ray. So I went home, took my first dose of the medicine. About two to three hours later, both of my eyes became swollen. This is the case of drug allergy. Although I wasn't particularly shocked, as I am allergic to quite a number of drugs. But this time the effect of the drug allergy was worse than normal. My right eye was so swollen that it couldn't open at all. Now I learnt I have another allergy to another drug. This added to my already long list of drugs I couldn't take. Visiting the doctor again, I was given an injection to relax my swollen eyes and also the back pain. That was yesterday. Today my eyes are still swollen although slightly better. Normally, they would take a long time to subside. My doctor was taking precaution as we should be aware of a rare, but potentially life-threatening reaction to a drug allergy. Analyphylaxis, a severe reaction that usually occurs immediately after taking a drug, can cause difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, and decreased blood pressure. If I was developing these symptoms, I have to take extra precaution.

So far whenever I have a drug allergy, the symptom is always swelling of the eyes in the form of mini-mosquito-bites lookalike around the eye area. Other than that, luckily, I am ok.

I read from somewhere that "A" blood group types have potentially high chances of developing drug allergies as they get older. Hmm, so it is true. Last time, I have no allergy at all. But the list seems to grow longer as I get older.

Another discovery: I was wondering why my right eye is the more swollen one. I think I have a perennial problem with my right eye, rather than the left. My left eye is always the better one, in terms of sight and clarity.

As we know, the left eye is controlled by the right brain and the right eye by the left brain. Normally "left brain" types are very analytical and orderly, uses logic and facts, more prone to math and science. (Oh how I loathe math and science).

We also know of the artistic, unpredictability and creativity of "right brain" types, who are more prone to the "big picture" oriented imagination, with symbols and images, more receptive to philosophy and religion, and can be impetuous and risk taking.

Each of us draws upon specific sides of our brain for a variety of daily functions, depending on our education and life experiences. The choices of which brain is in control of which situations is what makes our personalities and determines our character. In most people, however, the left brain takes control, choosing logic, reasoning and details over imagination, holistic thinking and artistic talent.

However, I now discover I am more of a "right brainer" as my right brain is always "sneaking" into my consciousness, filling my mind with emotional and visual vignettes and freely associated images. Although my left brain will quickly assert itself and dispense with these irrational images with its Spock-like logical dominance, thus causing my right brain to be content to find expression in dreams. No wonder I always dream. Maybe that's the only outlet where my right brain can protest.

Sorry, my left brain is not thinking now, because as you right eye is effectively swollen and shut. I better take a nap... and let my right brain take control again (dream).

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