Thursday 22 September 2005

How to improve luck

How to improve one's luck? From time to time, we may face a bad patch / luck or "negative qi" (energy). Here are some methods to change or alter bad luck:

1. Body and foot massage to
activate all the qi points in our body.
2. Drink red wine daily
helps in blood circulation and also aids a good sleep
3. Fasting
. No food (only peanuts, milo, plain water) for 3 solid days.
4. Go vegetarian without meat to rid the negative qi.
5. Do donations to any charitable organisation
6. Pick up coins on the floor and keep it for good luck
7. Buy new sets of panties (only on 1st and 15th day of the lunar month).
8. Buy a small calculator (on 1st and 15 day of the month)
9. Activate the fengshui pond in the wealth area (2004 to 2023).
10. Praying and chanting mantras helps.
11. Meditation - count 1-100 watch your breath without your mind wandering.

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