Friday, 4 November 2005


Yesterday I went for my massage in that small shop. Stella, a plump lady in her 40s usually did my massages. And she is getting better at it each time, because today her strokes were strong and it was painful at some areas! She said I was probably too tired.

Anyway, while Stella was massaging my foot, I learnt that she was a Teresa Teng fan. This year was Teresa Teng's 10th death anniversary. Teresa Teng, a popular Taiwanese singer, with her soft and smooth voice captured huge fans worldwide. She died in 1995 of an asthma attack. A sad ending for great famous singer.

Stella recounted an incident in 1995 to me. When Teresa Teng passed away, Stella was so sad that she bought a book about her. The front cover of the book was Teresa's photo. Stella put her book standing up besides her writing table which was next to her bed. Every night Stella would gazed at her idol's photo and talked to it.

One night, at about 3am, Stella was awakened by a very familiar, sweet and clear voice singing in a distance. She was sure that no one would be singing at that unearthly hour! She was, however, unsure where the singing came from. It was only after a day later that she thought could it be...? And it was then she realised it was the 7th day after the passing of Teresa Teng. She was sure yet she was unsure.

On the 14th day, again Stella heard the same voice singing to her when she was lying in bed getting to sleep. This time she began to be scared. She just could not stopped hearing the sweet singing her ears heard. After that night, she quickly kept Teresa Teng's book away. Stella's tale was so moving that I couldn't help but empathise with her. She has lost her idol, the world has lost a gifted singer. Reminds me of a song....
好花不常开, 好景不常在。
愁堆解笑眉, 泪洒相思带。
今宵离别后, 何日君再来?

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