Friday 25 November 2005

New house

Today we received news from the Housing Board that my house will have to give way for new developments. The Government will relocate and provide us a house nearby. Potentially there will be 3 areas we can choose from. This is my parents' house. I think it is a turning point for me, whether for good or for bad. Whether I will continue to stay with them or I will look for another house myself, I have yet to decide. All I know is, I am looking forward to having my own house. But who is going to help pay for my parents' new house if I were to leave and find my own house?

My parents definitely want their own house in their name. I also want my own house under my name. If I were to continue staying with them, I will have to fork out money to help them finance the house. Even if I do not stay there, I will still have to help them pay for the house. And if I have my own house by then, I would have to service my own house too. I do not think this is a win-win situation for me, financially-speaking. Unless I find someone to help me willingly. Or unless I strike big lottery. I need an answer soon.

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