Monday, 26 December 2005

Funshine and more!

Today is Boxing Day, I went shopping. Bought myself some new clothing for the Chinese New Year which is coming real soon (end Jan).

Also bought more birthday presents for my niece whose birthday is on 11 Jan. I had bought a Disney Princess Sleeping Beauty watch for her a few weeks ago. It's quite expensive considering it's for a going-to-be 7 year old girl, who is just starting Primary school next week. But then, in the midst of many Christmas shopping trips, I saw so many cute little stuff that she would love, so I could not help but buy those as well.

My sis has always scolded me for spoiling the kids. She would shake her head in a disapproving manner when I hinted of buying Raee a soft toy she loves. Raee also did not dare incur the wrath of her mommy, so she always kept quiet, refusing to admit she liked or didn't liked the toy. She is that timid. I always think... isn't my sis "encouraging" her daughter to "bottle up" her feelings just because she (my sis) doesn't like certain stuff? I always feel that kids should behave like kids, being direct and upfront about their feelings, innocent as they may be. What is so wrong with that? And isn't it ironical that Raee would tell me her very own opinion when her mommy is not around.

Anyway, I ended buying the big Care Bear soft toy (the yellow Funshine bear) she was eyeing. And also, I bought her Care Bear pyjamas, a set of DuckBill blouse and skirt. Then I saw a beautiful beaded pink necklace with Sleeping Beauty Aurora as the centerpiece. I know niece would love this. So there, I bought her 4 presents for this birthday. Hehehe...

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