Sunday 11 December 2005

Hi Kira

Kira, thank you so much for stumbling upon my blog and for leaving me your message. Although only a handful of friends know of my blog, it has indeed been most heartening to pen down my thoughts and dreams here, so that many more people can read and experience my experiences.

Indeed this year has been a great turning point in my life as I have got to know Buddha more, especially through the teachings and visits from so many lamas, both in real life and in my dreams. If after so many personal encounters, I have not been touched or remained complacent, I would be such an useless fool.

Often in my prayers to Buddha: "Please bless me to complete my Dharma practise in this lifetime. May all sentient beings who see me, hear me, touch me, remember me, for your Compassion and Bodhicitta. May they be released from their suffering and miseries and experience happiness forever. May I lead all sentient beings into the Dharma path and hence may they be enlightened soon."

I guess Buddha heard my prayers. Kira, may you always be happy and do make full use of this precious human life. Stay blessed.

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