Sunday, 30 April 2006

Cuppa Corn

Brought my nephew out yesterday, so that he would not disturb his sister preparing for her very first exams. It was just a simple lunch, and window-shopping for his favourite toys. He has already made up his mind what he wanted in McDonalds. Chocolate sundae, McNuggets, Milo, Fries and his new-found favourite, a Cup of Corn. Quite an appetite he has recently. And talkative. In between mouthfuls, he muttered: "Yee-yee, my favourite food in McDonalds is corn and my favourite food in KFC is mashed potato."

He also added: "My mommy also cooked corn like this at home, but it doesn't taste so nice. Why ah, yee-yee?" He learnt another lesson that he must remind his mommy to add more butter next time. He also impressed me by giving me a lesson and describing how fries are made. Hmm... my little nephew is growing up.

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