Saturday, 15 April 2006

Debts clearing

For the past few weeks I attended 2 sessions of puja relating to clearing karmic debts of past lifetimes - Leng Chag Torma. Since beginningless time, we have been trapped in this uncontrolled cyclic existence of samsara and have undergone countless reincarnations. Although we are unable to recall what we did in our previous lives, it is certain that we must have committed many acts of greed and hatred out of our ignorance - which explains why we are still unable to be liberated from samsara. It is also certain that we must have accumulated many debts in all these lifetimes ie. we could have owed someone money or even a mere sack of rice etc...

Through performing this puja, by offering torma to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Protectors, we are able to clear all these incurred debts. Hence partcipating in this puja will purify the negative karma that we have accumulated over the reincarnations.

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