Monday 17 April 2006

Happy birthday, Mom!

Today is Mom's birthday. We had celebrated her birthday earlier on Sat in a nice Teochew restaurant with Aunt Rena and the rest of the family. Tonight was just simple dinner and cake cutting. Sis and I told her that we have bought her and Dad a pair of tickets to Frances Yip concert on 13 May. Although both exclaimed it was too extravagant, I know and can see that they were touched as they have never expected this. And I felt very happy deep inside, it was worth all the other stuff I could jolly well splurge on eg. a spa package, a nice handbag etc.

The same reason goes to why I always gave priority to my Mom and Grandma if they want to go anywhere on holiday tours. I would make it a point to include them in my travels, rather than joining friends on fun-filled destinations. My reason is simple. They are getting on in age. How long could they be around, be well and kicking to be able to travel and see the world, if not at the present moment? I simply want to make them happy. Because I know I will then not regret it when I am older, or when they are gone. Even though we are Asians, who are supposed to be a conservative and traditional lot, I do not know many of my friends or acquaintances who would actually want to travel with their elderly parents.

So Happy Birthday, Mom! I wish you good health, have a long and healthy life, free from worries and tears. May you always have a clear and happy mind, and be blessed by all the Buddhas and bodhisattvas.

PS. I also wishes MLY a very happy birthday! (this person shares the same birthday as my mom).

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