Friday, 19 May 2006

The Great Compassion Presence

The weirdest yet sweetest thing happened today. I woke up suddenly at 6am this morning. Although I was very sleepy and barely awake, I didn't know why I sat up in bed in the meditation posture. With closed eyes, I saw a visualisation of the 4-armed Avalokiteshvara (GuanYin) in my mind. Suddenly I heard the long mantra of Avalokiteshvara (The Great Compassion mantra) being sang faintly in the distant. Its not the same voice as that of the Rinpoche whom I listen to from my MP3 handphone daily. So it can't be that I had switched on my handphone. Its another person, another Rinpoche singing the mantra in Tibetan, which I know by-heart so well.

Namo Ratna Tra Ya Ya Nama Arya Nyana
Sagara Vairochana Byuha Rajaya Tathagataya Arhate Samyaksam Buddhaya
Nama Sarva Tathagate Bhya Arhate Bhya Samyaksam Buddhe Bhya
Nama Arya Avalokiteshvaraya
Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya
Maha Karuni Kaya
Tadyatha Om Dhara Dhara Dhiri Dhiri Dhuru Dhuru
Itte Vatte Chale Chale Prachale Prachale
Kusume Kusume VareIli Mili Chiti Jala Apanaye Soha

After that I fell asleep just before sunrise and had a long dream. However, I could not recall anything specific.

In the evening I went for Amitabha Buddha initiation. It was great to see His Eminence Khyentse Beru Rinpoche again. In fact I had dreamt of him 2 weeks ago smiling at me in the dream. Right after the end of the empowerment ceremony, I suddenly smell flowers for a few seconds. It was a very fragrant smell. I suddenly knew it was the presence of Amitabha Buddha.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful mantra, which I love dearly.... Thank you for your inspiration on the web -Claude
