Wednesday 14 June 2006


We often read of Christian verses quoted in obituaries in newspapers. I have never seen any Buddhist quotes or verses in obituaries. I wonder why. I don't mind this one.

Nor grain, nor wealth, nor store of gold and silver,
Not one amongst his women-folk and children,
Nor slave, domestic, hired man,
Nor any one that eats his bread,
Can follow him who leaves this life,
But all things must be left behind.

But every deed (karma) a man performs,
With body, or with voice, or mind.
It is this that he can call his own,
This with him take as he goes hence.
This is what follows after him,
And like a shadow never departs.

Let all, then, noble deeds perform,
A treasure-store for future weal;
For merit gained this life within,
Will yield a blessing in the next.

- The Wisdom of Buddha

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