Monday 1 January 2007

2007! Feel the feel...

Happy New Year! I hope 2007 will be a good year. I do not like the feeling of waiting for something to happen, be it sad or happy. The anticipation often results in an anti-climax realisation. So I guess I have to go with the flow.... anticipation... de-anticipation...whatever.

2006 ended on a sweet note for me. I have not have this feeling for such a long time, so I think it is a good thing. I feel closer to friends who mattered. I feel closer to my already-close family. I feel closer to what I want from work. I feel closer to people whom I know care about me. I feel closer to strangers who have become friends. I feel closer to people who are miles away but close to my heart. I guess these feelings are all that matters to me. Just go with the feel...

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