Saturday, 20 January 2007

Postcard to Veggie

Was rummaging through and packing my stuff earlier, saw a postcard from my friend Veggie, sent 2 years ago

"Just want to let you know that you're my friend! Cant imagine how long we've known each other. I can safely say ours (friendship) is .... 28 years!!!?! Hey, thanks for 'tahan'-ing me all these years; thanks for 'shaping' me and moulding me too. You're my guardian during my many X-road journeys; the logical and stable advisor to shine the light in my dark world. Thanks for everything! And of course, HAPPY 28TH ANNIVERSARY TO OUR FRIENDSHIP! ..... and yes, many more to come. Love, Veg, 11 Feb 05."

Aww... I was so touched (again). I suddenly remember "断线的风筝", I went to search and downloaded this song to listen. It brought back memories of this song. I remember Veg likes the singer 万芳 many years ago with this album and songs. I immediately sms her. She is in Dubai now. She replied "Yeah, 30 years ago on 2 Jan, we were seated on the same blue table in Mrs Goh and 林老师 's one and only primary one class in GM! Oh how time flies!"

Veg, thanks for being the only friend who has written to me the most number of times be it through letters, emails, postcards etc.., all these years without fail. After reading the card, it brings back memories, makes me feel a little guilty that I may not have written back as much. Remember our days in GM and SA and your crush on the Edwin and mine on Shaam? And our numerous hangouts in A&W sipping root beer and fries with the other 2 nuts. I hope you have found the life you wanted to lead, and most importantly you are happy. Yes we have known each other for this long and hope we will still be buddies 30 years from now! So HAPPY 30TH ANNIVERSARY, my dear friend!!!

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