Sunday 14 January 2007

Slumber Queen

I have not posted for a long time. Spent a lazy Sunday sleeping almost the whole day, imagine. Think it was revenge for the past week of lost sleep. Sunday morning got up at about 10am to see my parents off for their outing to cousin's baby 1st month celebration. Then back to slumberland till about noon, got up because I heard someone knocking at the door, but I ignored the strangers, probably got the wrong house. Then back to slumberland. By one plus I got up very hungry. I cooked instant noodle with extra eggs. And ate them while watching Japan Hour. It was as if I was devouring the delectable horse-tail veggie, the wasabi fried potato, the hand-made ramen, amid in a scenic countryside in Osaka. Ahh....

After that went online awhile and by 3 plus in the afternoon, my eye lids are drooping. So I fell back on bed, and into slumberland. I didnt wake up till 6plus when my mom woke me up for dinner! God, I have literally spent the whole day sleeping, something which I have not done for a long long time. Hmm.... why? One should take it easy some time or another, right? Zzzzzz..........

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