Friday 2 March 2007

What a new year ...

This Chinese New Year is possibly the year which I will never forget. Because so many things happened during these few weeks. So many people affected... people falling sick.... and the dearly departed...

Just a week before CNY, my grandaunt (Lao Yee)'s granddaughter who was 21, passed away. She had a heart problem and collapsed suddenly. She was such a pretty young girl who was just finishing University.

My niece's babysitter who is close to us, told us during the 8th day of CNY that her younger brother has died of cancer of the brain. He has been suffering for the past 2 years. He was 41.

Two days ago, on the 11th day of CNY, my another grandaunt's daughter (my mom's cousin) also passed away after 2 years of suffering from breast cancer. She was 50.

My Aunt Amanda is recuperating at home now from her operation, cancer of the uterus. Hope that she is ok. My sis' right eye was suddenly swollen on the 1st day of CNY, she ended had to go to hospital to see a doctor because most clinics were closed. And just 2 weeks ago, my niece and nephew had dengue fever, and had to be hospitalised.

With all these happening around me, I cant help but feel kinda melancholic depressed, albeit its CNY, and because its CNY.

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