Monday 30 April 2007

Planning to plan

Sigh, my dear assistant finally threw in the letter (for the 2nd time) today, although I was pre-empt about it 2 weeks back. The first time she quitted was 3 years ago, to become a teacher. Then she came back, re-joined my company and stay 1 and half years. So this time she is confirmed leaving. Whether the reason she gave was really the reason, I think she pretty made up her mind this time. Although she has not found another job, frankly I am happy for her, seeing she has at least made short term plans for her future. Whether they will come true doesn't matter. At least she HAS plans. Compared to me, I don't even plan what to eat the next day, what more the future, so-to-speak.

So Dian..... tot ziens!!... doe voorzichtig!!!!

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