Saturday 18 August 2007


Two weeks ago, went to the midnight movie with Blur Friend. It was Jay Chou's first directed effort, Secret 不能說的秘密. It was not a bad effort, considering it was his first. It showcased much of his musical talents. The actress Guei Lun Mei, is a relatively new comer who has loads of potential winning-actress flair. She reminded me of Angelica Lee (Li Xin Jie), Sylvia Chang's protege, who starred in The Eye and 20-30-40. Even before Li Xin Jie turned to acting (she is a singer) I knew she would become Best Actress material.

In the Secret, Jay's reel father is Anthony Wong, whose good acting added much comic relief in the otherwise slow romantic movie. I am not a fan of Jay Chou, but he is talented, nonetheless.
Good effort.

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