Thursday 23 August 2007

Riccioti Restaurant

Had dinner with my cousin cum godbro, R, tonight. Supposed to give him an early birthday treat but ended up he gave me a treat instead, my belated birthday treat. Went to the Riccioti Italian Restaurant in Upper Circular Road near Central.

Nice little cosy Italian restaurant with lots of wine and damn nice desserts. I ordered the Linguine with Crabmeat which tasted very rich and splendidly sweet and creamy. R ordered the Black Squid-Ink Linguine with Scallops which was quite nice. Both the linguine were well done and filling. We shared a very fantastic fresh ham and tomato pizza. Different from those in Pizza Hut of course. Last but not least, the desserts were what I have been waiting for. The Sofiato is a must try, the warm chocolate with ice cream.

Was chatting with R, I am happy he is doing well in his job. While grousing to him about mine and my mystical low luck, he gave this piece of advise : "That means good luck is on its way. You're now clearing your (karmic) debts. Just let it go with the flow. It will come when the
time is right. Positive people attract positive energy. Its either now or later.
Thanks bro, for the reassurance.

Ricciotti Italian Restaurant
The Riverwalk #B1-49/50, 20 Upper Circular Road Singapore 058416

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