Sunday 5 August 2007

Sims Drive Chicken Rice

Today I had ta-bao (take-away) Hainanese chicken rice for lunch. This is from my favourite stall since young. The elderly Hainanese couple knows me, the friendly aunty would always ask me if I would like to add extra liver on my chicken rice. She knows I love that. And she would normally debone the chicken meat for me. This stall used to be in a coffee shop in Sims Drive next to the police post. Now it has shifted to the nearby newly renovated market, and they are charging lesser because the rental is lower!

This picture does not do justice to my favourite chicken rice. The rice is so fragrant I can eat it on its own. The chicken meat is very lean with hardly any fats at all. Even the cucumber is moist and crispy without any bitter taste. Best of all the chilli sauce is first class. When I am having ta-bao chicken rice at home, I normally sprinkled 2 packs of its heavenly chilli sauce on top of the chicken meat and rice.

Please try this stall if you are nearby.

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