Sunday 2 September 2007

Kambing soup!

Dinner tonight was at the hawker center in Upper Boon Keng Road. Ordered the fish soup with rice from Rong Ji. Their soup came generous with big slices of fish, seaweed, tomato and cucumber slices, toufu and veggies. Tried the fried oyster from Shun He. It was very starchy and a few oysters. No shiok. No kick.

The star of the dinner should have been the Kambing soup. Whenever I was there, I would order this because it was simply heavenly thick rich kambing soup with no lingering smell and not too oily. The mutton was however a little hard. But today the guy who took my order was a tad too rude. Perhaps business was too good. When I told another guy in front of the stall my order, this rude guy said he was the one who was supposed to take the order! That's why I didn't even bothered to take note of the name of the stall. I was little disappointed with the service if I was full of praise for the soup. Dip the bread into the soup or drink it on its own when it is still steamingly hot. It warms the heart on a rainy night.

Rong Ji Fish Soup (3/5)
Shun He Fried Oysters (2/5)
Kambing Soup (4/5)

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