Monday 24 December 2007

"I Am Flower, I Not Bear!"

After my feast and slight hangover past midnight last night, I set down to decorate my bear for my office friendly competition. Last minute work, and I was done in about an hour's time, with whatever stuff I can get my hands on, and my "pot of bear" is ready. I sewed the leaves onto the bear and hid him behind wooden flowers. Abit slipshod work I must say. But considering I was having a splitting headache and hangover, and with last minute "efficiency", I think I did quite well. Hiak Hiak.

There were bears bears bears everywhere in the office. Quite a fun sight! Fellow colleagues dressed their bears to the nines. So of course I wasn't the winner this year. The winning entry went to Captain Bear On A Rocking Horse, entirely 100% handmade, sewn, painted, cut, coloured, everything from scratch. Haha, and this is the winner! Merry Christmas, everyone!

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