Tuesday 1 January 2008


Whenever I am feeling the blues and wallowing in sadness, I will listen to 堂娜's songs. She is one of my favourite singer, known for her sad love songs. She is also a fantastic and versatile actress, plus businesswoman plus yoga instructer. And I like her for her natural beauty, with an aloof "character" looks. Although her sad songs may not make me feel better, but it breeds familiarity, a familiarity to the past... my past, my memories. I like one very difficult song, a very sad song called 庆幸. I remembered watching her in concert on TV in about year 2000, singing this song at her encore finale. She cried and I too cried at the ending dialogue, because it was simply touching. She is my greatest singer. I shall not post the sad lyrics in its entirety here. Food for thought:

"我不再听悲伤的歌了, 我甚至常提醒自己
外表只是一个现象罢了受伤, 破碎, 在所难免

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