Sunday 20 January 2008

Happy birthday, buddy!

This is a belated post. Two weeks ago, we had a little get together at Rich Friend's house before she flew off to HK, for her birthday. We ate not one cake, but two cakes, which were very special; one was Lychee Martini and the other was Baileys. I liked the Baileys cake because it was rich with Baileys! The Lychee Martini unfortunately was tasteless of martini, hehe. Then we went to Le Viet Cafe Restaurant in Siglap for dinner, ordered the typical vietnamese staple, the noodles, sambal kangkong, chicken wings and tua tau. And went back her place for more drinks into the night.
Anyway, my Rich Friend, hope you had a good time that day. Happy Birthday, and may you enjoy your successes with fun forever, may you find the one you love, be with the one you love (Muffy, Bubbles, Snow and ........ ) always. Thanks for being my buddy through these years, almost 30 years man! You know how I value friendship, especially buddies. Thanks for being there at those times when I am down (whether you know it or not!) with your senseless banter. Hope us, your these few buddies, can celebrate your birthdays every year till death do us part! *muak* ho ho ho!

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