Sunday, 23 March 2008

Wahlau, your house or mine?

As I said, everything is doing well with my renovations although I'm a bit busy. What I don't like were the comments from some about the renovations. You see, many of my neighbours are also moving about the same time, and hence they are also doing renovations. Even passerbys who are strangers dropped by our new house to have a look and probably to learn some ideas. And because my parents are excited about the new house, they may probably have said too much sometimes to friends and relatives, who are constantly calling to check the status of our renovation works. Some even dropped in at our new house (without us present!!!) when the workers were there working and came back with comments for us about "wow your kitchen is so small, but the living room is huge" and "why did you choose your tiles this design?" and "why didn't you laminate the floors in your bedrooms" etc.etc. On top of this, all those strangers and neighbours also sometimes barged into the new house while we were there without having the courtesy to ask for permission to view the house. Some even called their friends and friends' friends to come together! I am not a selfish person and normally obliged but I felt they should at least have the courtesy to ask for permission, and they just stayed too long for my comfort and discussing among themselves about their own renovation! And some of these strangers have even more comments "I don't like the main door too near the kitchen", "your window grills do not look sturdy enough", "why don't you have a sliding door instead for your bathroom?", "I dont like the false ceiling, make the room look smaller", "the layout of the house not that nice, i prefer the other one..." My parents being old, also tend to listen to others comments because they think others' ideas are always better and will afterwards keep reminding me about others' "suggestions". One neighbour's friend (who visited our house and was busy commenting) even pretended not to see my mom the next day when they bumped into each other the next day. So I have more than enough from these people especially strangers. I may seem nasty but I have to put my foot down. I can't afford to waste my time entertaining strangers who have nothing better to do. It's my house that I am staying in, not theirs. I can do what I like about the design and decor. Not that I do not support the "kampong spirit" but I felt a little of my patience wearing thin. So, lest I am accused of being unfriendly, I will try to lie low and lock up my new house door for now, and mind my own business.

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