Friday 30 May 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Muffy!

Last weekend was Muffy's 1st birthday. Rich Friend booked the restaurant, Pawtobello, for his party. His mommy and grannies and few godmas and his buddies were there to celebrate for him. His friends at the party were Joey (the maltese), Ludwig (the pomeranian), Bibi his girlfriend (shih tzu), Wansel (the labrador puppy), Cookie (the Chow Chow), and many other doggy friends who dropped by. But I think Muffy rather spent the afternoon napping, looking at how he snuggled onto anyone who carried him. I fell in love with Wansel actually, she kept licking me. Her fur was pure golden beige. I have a thing for labradors and golden retrievers, especially beige coloured ones, eventhough they are huge dogs. Look at Muffy's cake and our food, the decor (his mommy specially "commissioned" her contractor to do up Muffy's signage!). I bought Muffy a Tshirt and boots and snacks. Think we all had a good time. What a dog's life!

1 comment:

  1. 1st of all, your Rich friend DID NOT book the restaurant. Just made a reservation for 10ppl and the restaurant kindly allowed her to decorate a little corner.

    2ndly, its LUDWIG, not LudVig and he is a Pom, not a pekingnese.

    3rdly, its Wanzel, not Vansel.

    4thly, glad that you enjoyed the party and thanks for the gifts :)
