Thursday 19 June 2008


By today, almost 7 weeks after I started my new job, I have closed a few deals - some minor, one big, and some more coming soon - the pipeline is slowly building up although there were minor hiccups here and there from the start, there is also the learning curve of the job which is totally new to me. I am still learning to get to know and understand the people around me better, their way of working. Although there were frequent times which I resented or disagreed with their methods and comments, I ignored them and pushed on. I tried and am still trying not to be affected by others. I believe in my own style of handling work situation and people based on my past records, only that I guess I have to prove with my numbers first, before people trust me and believe in my methods. I believe very much in follow-ups and building a good relationship with clients I deal with in the course of work. Although the money is ok if I have deals, I am not there to rip people off once and run away. Just as in friendships, I believe in building a "longer than long" term relationship with my clients and business associates as well. I can lose a deal or two, but I would not want to jeopardise my relationship with people. I guess I will prove my point sooner or later, to my workplace colleagues. On the other hand I know my attitude towards handling people has become tougher, more haughty (I guess due to past experience, I am forced to toughen up) without compromising on being professional. Otherwise people will tend to take advantage and climb all over me. Workwise, for these 3 months I will eat humble pie. If things do not work out, I will have other plans in the pipeline. If things work out well, I would have proven myself to others as well as carving new career for myself. Cheers.


  1. eh, stumbo...ez sound very it is with all new jobs, you have to take a lot of sh*t in the beginning..

    this is life in singapore lah..very stressful one. that's why if reborn as a human being, better dont be in sg.

  2. thanks thomas, I am ok really. We come to life as humans to learn something. Thanks for reading my blog. Cheers!
