Thursday 26 June 2008

Corporate Billshit?

Very fast, almost 8 weeks into my new job and almost the end of the 2nd month. First month was nothing in sales as I was still churning the pipeline and it was the hardest at the same time because of adjusting to new environment and unusual people and work styles and new job nature. So naturally was a little stressed, a little apprehensive, a little skeptical, a little critical, a little humbling experience... plenty of "a little" this and that, all mixed into one huge uneasy deprived experience.

Now the 2nd month was a complete change. With more consistency, more focus, more determination, more trying to convince others, more heck-care attitude and more thick skin and more confident, everything is starting to come together. Sales came in almost everyday, and I have hit more than my monthly target. Within the next few days before July arrives, I hope to hit twice the number of my monthly quota. And the big boss is also quite generous and supportive, after seeing the good results, he is rewarding me a few carrots as well. So the 2nd month should be pretty good. I have met a benefactor in him as well as a few others.

The aim now onwards will be continuing to build and widen my base, and the rest will be recurring sales next time. After these few months, when I have built a considerable base of my clients, I will be back to account servicing, my old specialty. Making clients happy and be buddy with them. I have past clients who came a long way with me. Once clients relationships are built, I don't have to be so self-conscious in trying to appear corporate, think corporate, look corporate, talk corporate, behave like a corporate drag all the time. All these corporate stuff was drilled into me harder than my previous decades of work experience. Everything has to "look good". I know being buddy and warm and a bit "PR" goes a long way than being a serious prude who behaves eat sleep think "corporate" all the time. How far can that takes you? Does looking corporate feed you all the time? I'd rather be a Bill anytime, folks.

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