Wednesday 25 June 2008

Fav aunt

Today after work, met my fav aunt for dinner. We had Korean food, kimchi soup and saba fish, and lots of fruits. Simple food at a foodcourt which is pretty quiet and empty and with a good view. Good to chit chat and catch up, as normally if we do meet during the weekends, it's with a whole bunch of family members.

Just wanted to chit chat with someone over work topics and to ask her advise on managing certain issues and people I had come across. Mainly just updating each other about what's happening recently, with people around us, granny, cousins, aunts, my work, my colleagues....

My fav aunt is sort of my idol or someone I look up to and have full respect for ever since I can remember. She is the most mild mannered and understanding person I have met. She takes care
of granny and granny's needs well, supports the family, loves and stood by her man for many years, doesn't splurge much on herself much. She is a high flyer in her profession and works well in everything she does. She is also my travel companion most of the time. I am naturally concerned about her well-being. I am sure sis and myself will be there for her anytime if she needs us for any matters now and the future.

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