Monday 16 June 2008

Viva la Paris!

I was in Paris a few years ago, stayed a whirlwind 2 - 3 days. They said Paris is the most romantic place on earth, but I begged to differ. While the structures, scenery, the vibrant artistic culture, and all the shopping and fashion were so sophisticated and breathtaking, the only thing that didn't leave me a good impression then was the people. Somehow, French people seemed an arrogant lot, they were too proud of their language that they preferred to ignore Asians or those who spoke English to them. From the french lady cashier in Monaco casino to the french man in a cart stall selling Tshirts on a Parisian street, their service were anything but courteous. Although I saw the Mona Lisa, although I saw the Eiffel Tower, although I saw the tunnel where Princess Diana's crash was, although I loved all the artefacts and musuems, I couldn't make myself like the people. It was an eye opening trip, although Paris will not exactly be the place on top of my "must visit again place" list.


  1. don't be too hard on yourself lah...the french people are basically bigots, to say the least. that's why the americans always have lots of joke on the french. only if you speak french and have praises for their culture, will they welcome you with open arms. don't forget that the french people are one of the staunch supporters of China oylmpic boycott.
