Tuesday 26 August 2008

Are you a gem?

Today I was not in office the whole day. Spent the whole morning with a potential big client and my boss. Nothing fruitful came out of it, because the client was not prepared for the meeting, but we can wait. Relationship building takes time. After the meeting, had a long discussion with my boss over Kopi-C talking about our business and as usual, my updates.

Then I was off the whole afternoon to Sentosa to see my client. Before that was in Vivocity for my lunch. Saw an interesting cafe, the Green House Cafe which sells western food as well as part of the shop was selling flowers, Pocket Full of Posies. I liked the concept. I took a few snaps of the shop while waiting for the food. But then the friendly aunty serving me stopped me. She was wary that I was some competitor. I was a little disappointed. Because I wanted to compliment the mushroom soup I had, which has chunks of mushrooms. And the breaded dory was fresh with fries and salad. Too bad I could not take proper pictures. So I cut and paste this from their website.

I wonder, with the world of IT now, how much can we hide from one's competitor? As Jin put it justly ..... "Winners don't do different things. They do things differently". She said "Today, in this competitive world, there are tens of thousands of salesmen out there. Everyone is selling the same things but everyone uses different methods. So what is it that sets these people apart from the rest? It is service that matters more than the product. Don't forget Singapore is promoting Gems - Go the Extra Mile for Service."

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