Thursday 18 September 2008

Moving out

Yes finally we confirmed a new office location, so we are really getting out of the present old place for good. The current office has run out of space for us, and with a growing team soon, we definitely need a bigger space. Initially we intended to get a bigger unit in the same building, but luckily there were many obstacles faced in each unit we chose. Plus the landlord did not want to give us a good offer, for the old shabby and deprived facilities - smelly toilet with flushing problem, no lift, forlorn environment. Good thing they did not counter offer. So the universe has its way of helping me (whenever I do not like certain circumstances). And best of it all, I do not need to climb the hill (my office is on top of a hill) and climb 3 floors up everyday anymore! I feel the energy of the place is tired and more tired. That is why I feel so lethargic and stressed whenever I am inside the office these few months, despite my good sales.

In the new office which I have seen, the space is at least 5-6 times bigger than our current unit. And the walls were just painted, carpet in good condition, there is food in the same building, the aircon in place, each of us will have our own cosy corner, its only a 15 minute ride from my home, it's outside of the CBD area and there will be a new MRT station opening soon just right beside the building. I hope the fengshui is good, because I already feel good when I saw the place. Hip Hip Hurray!

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