Sunday 7 September 2008

Thai noodles

I suddenly have the craving for thai noodles. Tried their wanton noodles in a Bangkok wet market last time, and the taste was slightly different from that of Singapore's wanton noodles. The pork slices (char siew) was roasted unlike our red colour version. And the noodles was crunchy and Q, and not soggy at all. The dry or soup version were both equally nice. Notice the spoon the Thai use is stainless steel or metal, rather than our porcelain ones? My mom bought a dozen of the metal spoons back when she saw the Thais were using them, easier to scoop dishes.

Whenever I go Bangkok, another must-eat is their kway teow soup. I guess it was the sauces, pork balls, and their slim version of kway teow that was so smooth and made the soup very tasty - the heavenly combination. Especially those I tried at the floating market. I remember once I was cruising down the river towards my aunt's plantation in the outskirts of Bangkok. Along the way, we stopped the boat, and ordered kway teow soup from the hawker in the next boat. Their portion was small but very tasty. I wonder was it because of the ingredients in the dish or because the bowls were washed in the murky river, that made the kway teow soup extra tasty. -_-"

Suddenly at 7am, I am very hungry now thinking of kway teow soup when I should be sleeping......

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