Monday 27 October 2008

Business-Boost & Career-Blessing Puja

Last day of the event, was what everyone was highly anticipating. In the morning was the Business-Boost & Career-Blessing Grand Puja. Many participants brought them company name cards or representative company item for blessings.

In order to accomplish great achievements in our business or career, we need to have the merit to support. Without merit, even if a promotion is impending, for some reasons the promotion will go to someone else. Without merit, despite being friendly and nice to others, they do not appreciate and instead find opportunities to pick on you. Without merit, even if you done everything conscienciously, problems crop up at the last moment and affect the whole project. Without merit, even if someone were to recommend a client to you, for some reasons, you will not be able to take up the job. Or even if you have completed a job, you will not be able to receive its payment. Such obstacles seem endless, making the journey feel tough and arduous. I certainly felt and experienced all these obstacles before.

By participating in this puja and making offerings to the 3 Jewels, as well as the surrounding deities, increases our bank of merits. This puja invokes the blessings from all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Deities and Protectors. When obstacles are cleared, positive conditions in workplace improve, and opportunities for business also increase.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds wonderful. Can you send some of those Business-Blessing and Career-Boosting vibes my way?
