Tuesday 28 October 2008

His Eminence Lati Rinpoche - Oct 2008

I am truly happy to have received so many blessings from His Eminence Kyabje Lati Rinpoche and his entourage of 28 lamas during these 3 days of powerful pujas and empowerments. I look forward to the continuing program in the center in the coming weeks, while Rinpoche is still here. This opportunity is so hard to come by as inviting Rinpoche here in future may not be easy as he is already 88 years old and travelling is quite tedious for him. I really appreciate his presence and efforts in coming to Singapore to bless us. He is truly an enlightened being, a learned master and one of my very precious gurus. May Rinpoche has a long and healthy life so as to benefit many more sentient beings who were touched by him and the Dharma.

Also, I am so glad to have made a friend during this short short 3 days. May we all learn from each others' problems and strengths and weaknesses as we travel the path of the Dharma. Om mani padme hum!!!

We cross seas of possibility
We dream dreams of our shared destiny

Aloft upon a heavenly breeze.

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