Thursday 23 October 2008

The ox is coming

Today, I went to buy 2 gold goat pendants, one for my mom and the other for my aunt. It is a flat round gold pendant framed in silver external. I understand that next year is the year of the Ox, and among the 12 animals in the zodiac, Ox and Goat supposedly clash. So next year the Ox will clash with those born in the animal sign of the Goat. It is what we Chinese call 冲太岁 - clash the Tai Sui.

Tai Sui is also known as the Great Duke Jupiter. When translated from Chinese, the Tai Sui is known as the Yearly God. Tai Sui is the most powerful "Earthly God". There is a total of 60 Tai Sui. Each year, there would be a new Yearly God on duty looking after all matters on earth. His appointment would commence on the 1st solar term or called li chun, in Chinese. And the next would take over the task on the following li chun.

Each year there will be some zodiac sign that has opposing forces with the Tai Sui. These zodiac sign are said to suffer some form of bad fortune. The negative impact differs from people to people depending on individual birth data. It can be classified under offend, clash or conflict formation with the Tai Sui.

So the purpose of the goat pendant, when worn on
a Goat person, that Ox next year will clash that goat in the pendant, instead of the person herself. So the Goat person will have a smoother Ox year. Just my little gesture to help ensure my mom and aunt have a smoother year ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing the info.

    I think your gesture will go a long way. That good intention display as a good daughter and niece is a form of filial piety. I am sure they will have a smooth year ahead.
    Have a great weekend.
