Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Change or not?

Six months ago when I shifted house, I called Citibank to inform them that I have changed address. They still send statement to the old house. I called them the next month again, and the next and the next. Till finally, exasperated, I went down personally to the branch, and signed and filled up all the forms they gave me. And they told me they will send me a letter within 5 working days once the database has been updated. I waited 2 weeks. Today I finally received their letter to confirm the change of address from the old to my new house. The letter was sent to my old house address. *faint*

1 comment:

  1. I think for security reason, they have to send to the old house, just like when changing password, you have to key in the old password.

    But, their efficiency is really questionable. :P
