Sunday, 21 December 2008

Beauty of compassion

Today is the Winter Solstice, also 冬至 "Dong Zhi" in chinese, when sunshine is weakest and daylight shortest. After today, there will be days with longer daylight hours and therefore an increase in positive energy flowing in. As advised, it is a good day for prayers, especially to White Tara.

White Tara is the goddess of compassion and action. She is the female aspect of Avalokitesvara (Chenrezig) (Guanyin). The myth of the White Tara began when she showed up as the tear of Avalokiteshvara, also known as Chenrezig, whom the Dalai Lama is a reincarnation of. She appeared when Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of all Buddhas, moved into a state of compassion... when his mind and his heart met in wisdom... and the suffering he saw because the the lack of this balance, made him cry. Then he could see Her... or it is said she appeared. For that is who she is, the compassion expressed in that tear. It could be said the tear cleared the eye to see her. She is the expression of compassion.

White Tara is also associated with longevity. White Tara counteracts illness and thereby helps to bring about a long life. She embodies the motivation that is compassion and is said to be as white and radiant as the moon. Her love heals at the source of disease, bringing health, strength, longevity and beauty, shining through a world off balance and suffering.

May all beings learn to live in paradise.
Om tare tuttare ture mama ayuh punya jnana pustim kuru soha!

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