Sunday 7 December 2008

Cecil Street in the old days

I found these 3 precious photos from my family's stacks of old albums and quickly scanned them. This is Cecil Street in the 1960s and 1970s. I used to live in one of these shophouses (photo at top left) when I was born. It was also facing the Market Street Carpark (photo at top right) where Lau Pa Sat (bottom right photo I found from the internet) is. And that was my Father (bottom left) as a young man at the 2nd floor of the shop house, looking down at the street below at the junction of Cecil St and Church St and Market St. Both Market Street Carpark and Lau Pa Sat are still around today. My shophouse was torn down and made way for the Prudential Tower of today.

I remember once, my Grandpa brought me and my cousin to play at the then newly built carpark, when I was probably about 4-5 years old. My cousin fell on the concrete floor, and he cried and cried with blood oozing out of his knee cap. I was so scared then as my Grandpa hurried him back home.

My Grandpa also used to bring me to Telok Ayer Market or more popularly known now as Lau Pa Sat ("old market"). We used to eat there often. Then the food was very nice too, I recalled we had some Indian dish.

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