Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Have beens

End of the year tomorrow. 2008 has been a year of change for me. Let me recall the changes ....

1. I changed house
2. I changed everything in the house except my parents
3. I changed job and bosses
4. I changed office locations (twice)
5. I changed my house telephone number
6. I changed my mobile number
7. I changed mobile phones (twice)
8. I changed laptops
9. I changed wallets
10. I changed from a non-specs person to a specs person
11. I changed from a non-cook to an amatuer cook
12. I changed by cutting down on buying clothes by 70%
13. I changed my plan to plan
14. I changed from being non fussy to a little fussy with food
15. I changed holiday destination from Nepal to Dubai
16. I changed my opinion of the meaning of "cunning hooligans"
17. I changed from greatly indebted to being indebted
18. I changed in my judgement of character
19. I changed moods pretty often
20. I changed my loving and doting ways

21. I changed by becoming even more steadfast and loyal
22. I changed from being misunderstood to being grossly misunderstood.

I remained unchanged in being a law-abiding citizen, in my faith in the Triple Gems, in my beliefs, in my dreams, in my hair style, and in my love for those I love.

Good bye 2008, and don't come back to haunt me. Boo.

I can only pray that 2009 will be a year of better changes.

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