Friday, 19 December 2008

Her gifts

These are some of the paintings and artwork done by my artistic niece when she was younger - she is so full of sunshine and sweet little girl. She is always drawing this and that, without us prompting. She can draw using crayons, colour pencils, markers, pencils, water colours, or made from cutting materials and pasting all over the place.

Starting from clockwise - she painted powerpuff girl for me with lots of love love love...., a CNY painting (she decided to just colour the vase and mandarin orange), my birthday card with her usual loves (flowers, hearts, butterflies, stars), a colourful christmas with colourful snow with snowy mountains and snowman together with a coconut tree?, and finally.... a birthday cake for me painted with crayons and cut-out.
I have kept some of her drawings over the years, just for memories, a reminder of her "gifts" for me. As we know..... these are gifts which "money also cannot buy".

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