Monday, 23 February 2009

Blessed with happiness

I have an aunt who is very pious and who goes to temples very frequently. On special occasions like Chinese New Year or whenever she visits temples overseas, she would pray for a lot for each of us. She would say prayers for each member of the family and ask for a lot. When given, she would note down that person's name on the lot. I think she prays for almost 20 of us individually.

For this year, this is the lot she got for me. I was surprised it was written not only in Mandarin but English as well. Normally those in Mandarin are written as poems and what-nots, and sometimes I do not know exactly what they mean. So this time, I am happy there was a English translation.

This scene describes a person going to court with an audience with the emperor; everything is auspicious and works out for the best. You will receive an appointment from the emperor. It is like a beggar suddenly making it as a millionaire, you shall obtain all you want and none to share.
- A favourable year for you, you may have whatever you wish
- Marriage will be successful
- Business is smooth
- Residential change is recommended
- Everything points to blessing and good fortune

Wow, this is a good lot, I must say. So I must really remember to seize the opportunities as they come. Maybe I will meet benefactors who can help me. Maybe I would become rich or just maybe I would get to meet President Obama ("the emperor"). All the maybes and possibilities. I will only know if it comes true by the end of the year. Haha. Sometimes this is too generic to believe in. But I must thank my aunt for the effort.

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