Wednesday, 4 February 2009


Today is 立春 Li Chun, which literally means "the start of Spring" in East Asian cultures.

As Master Lynn Yap advised .... "Just observe how is today ok ? because today is more more important than 1st day of the Chinese New Year, 26 Jan 2009. If good things happen, means the WHOLE year will be a very lucky year for you". She also said: "Wear red top and go to the bank and deposit money!!!"

So last night I sent sms to those few close ones "Hi all, tomo 4 Feb is Li Chun, official start of Spring. Do stay happy on this day and do not get angry or impatient. Try to wear red, pink, purple or orange, all auspicious colours. May we have a smooth year ahead!". I wanted everyone close to me to be aware and be mindful of their actions, so that we could all be lucky this year as well.

I wish all readers a splendid lucky new year ahead!

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