Friday, 6 March 2009

Perfect cut

Just saw the first 2 episodes of the local series 一切完美 2 (Perfect Cut 2). It is the second series of local drama about the lives of a plastic surgeon and his patients. Although this is not prime time (it is showing at 10pm on Channel U), I like the dialogue very much. Compared to some shows on Channel 8, this is a much serious real-life-like drama, featuring the trials of patients and the surgeon who is dubbed "Doctor with a soul" (starring Thomas Ong). The drama addresses issues in plastic surgery, ethics, relationships, and the beauty of recovery.

The brilliant dialogue was well written, even the bickering of the doctor and his girlfriend was realistic. I like the cast. Thomas Ong is one actor I like since his younger days pair-up with Fann Wong (I still think they were the screen couple with chemistry), Michelle Chia, Edmund Chen, Phyllis Quek (long time no see and she is a fresh air among the young actresses, very poise and elegant), Zheng Wan Ling (a true blue veteran, she is a comic relief). 姜还是老的辣 all the veterans put in a tip top performance with an interesting storyline.

I also like the theme song 放了爱 and the heart warming lyrics.

叫做放手 ...

你指向远方 爱情很晴朗
怕泪会反光 钻进你的胸膛
但那不是感动 是 泪无法储藏

把美梦锁上 以为是天堂
还得乔装安份 靠在你肩膀

放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 该怎么生活

你说你喜欢 我笑得开朗
你越温柔 我越不想撒谎
客气地配合你 我感觉更勉强

别人的幸福 何必要模仿
心不在何苦 留躯壳在身旁
加满自由 我要无重量飞翔

放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 该怎么生活
放了爱 会明白
有种拥有 叫做放手

我的心 为爱流离失所

放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 想要的生活
放了爱 你会明白
有种拥有 叫做放手

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