Sunday, 1 March 2009


Last night I was a total wreck. I did not sleep a single wink. Was busy entertaining guests the whole day earlier and had had a few drinks or so. Was very very busy and very very tired the whole weekend, but yet I could not sleep. Plus after learning a piece of news, I was kept awake for the entire night. Hence the whole of today was totally knocked out with nose bleeding.

Last night as I sat there in front of my laptop, as well as when I tried to lie down to sleep, all efforts were futile. I thought of my past 2 - 3 years, how those years had evolved for me, I thought of the people I met and how I got acquainted with the good ones, the bad ones. I thought of my career, and all the changes that happened in the homefront and work life and friends. I recalled all the things that happened, the happy ones, the unhappy ones, the obstacles, the sweet successes. And thought of my plans in the coming years. I had to decide on which of the few routes I could move forward with. I have to choose what was best for me whereby I would be more comfortable with, as well as taking care of the finances, and at the same time, making sure I would be happy. Although I have met some undesirable characters, I take heart that many benefactors have also appeared in my life to help me at crossroads and to lighten my obstacles. Now I know things happened for a reason, and it was my karma.

I have not made any written resolutions this year. I decided not to. I decided my resolution for this year is to make it better than it had been the past 2 years.
When it is dark enough, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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