Friday, 10 April 2009

Essence of "maitri" from Michelle Obama

I read with interest this article posted by a fellow Facebook friend cum blogger. It was about how Michelle Obama is setting exemplary example by doing things her own way and being true to herself, very similar to what we are taught in lessons from the Buddha. She is perhaps a living example of practising "maitri" -- which means unconditional friendship with oneself and from there, the feeling of unconditional friendship with others. By doing so, then we all get to live in a more caring and friendlier world.

A person who gives freely is loved by all. It's hard to understand, but it is in giving that we gain strength. But there is a proper time and a proper way to give, and the person who understands this is strong and wise. By giving with a feeling of reverence for life, envy and anger are banished. A path to happiness is found. Like one who plants a sapling and in due course receives back shade, flowers, and fruit, so the results of giving bring joy. Through continuous acts of kindness the heart is strengthened by compassion and giving. - Buddha

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